Q: We have a committee that plans our event. How can Fairway Promotions help?
A: Fairway Promotions does not "plan" events. We are designed as a one-stop resource for event planners/committees. Fairway Promotions can assist in supplying many of the contests, merchandise, signage and fundraising that make an event a success. There is a significant time/cost benefit to working with a single supplier like Fairway Promotions.
Q: How much does it cost to work with Fairway Promotions?
A: There are absolutely no "management" or "consulting" fees when working with Fairway Promotions. Your only cost is the merchandise or contests purchased.
Q: Do we have to purchase all of your services?
A: Although many clients choose to maximize their benefit by taking advantage of us as a single source supplier it is not required. For example, while one event may choose to purchase custom merchandise, signage and a hole-in-one prize package; another may use only our silent auction program.
Q: Does anyone ever win the hole-in-one prizes?
A: Fairway Promotions has awarded an average of more than 10 prizes per year. See contest and events page for a list of recent prize winners.
Q: Who do you work with?
A: Fairway Promotions works with more than 400 golf events a year as well as numerous organizations wishing to promote their brand not necessaritly through a golf event. Our client list includes the most recognizable national charities, smaller local charities and companies of all sizes. Please see our testimonial page for a sampling